Monday, December 8, 2008

Creating a secret folder in 2 ways.

The techniques are here : No need to download anything! But, some of you may know this now.
(This works for WinXP only)

First technique
1. Create a folder at desktop, just make sure you know where you created it.
2. Rename it, then type/press Alt + 0160
3. Now, in the %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll directory, find the icon that looks blank
4. Replace the folder icon
5. Done!

Second technique
This is the most simple one.
1. Create a folder
2. Right click on it, then properties
3. Check the "hidden" between "Read Only" and "Hidden"
4. Apply, then OK
5. Done!
6. To see the folder again, go to My Computer, then type the directory at the address bar. (Example, i made a hidden folder at Desktop, ill type C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\my hidden folder

The hidden folder is great for when your lil bro/sis are always playing/using your program.

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