Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The mystery of Getting highest CLICK On ADSENSE

Every one Wonders how the people are making so much Money on Adsense. 

Today there is Secret Reveled . 

With this trick u are about to get minimum $3 to maximum $25 per click on Adsense. 

Let Me Share my Friend Trick with you  with 3 simple steps..

Step 1) The Secret About Adsense CPC:
Adsense CPC rates are actually different in Different Countries as experimented That Adsenes Pays The Highest Click Rates For These 4 Countries Listed As Highest Paying CPC :
No.1: USA
No.2: Australia
No.3: UK ,and
No.4: Canada

These are the 4 countries For Which Google Pays You Minimum $3 and Maximum upto $50 per Click,

Note:  Reached only $25 Per click yet.., But I've seen people who have earned upto $50 with a single click.. Depends on Your Content/Keywords and obviously The country From Where you've Got Adsense Clicks.

Step 2> How To Find These Keywords? 

Well, Nice Question, but You Don't Need to Find These Keywords.. 

The Only Thing you have to do is to find The Advertiser Company/website Whose Average CPC is $7 - $10, and once you find the Advertisers Who Pay Average $7-$10 per click... 

Then Find out the same advertiser Keywords and Put it in your Website post as Post Title for each keyword. Do the same for 5 to 10 keywords by adding 5 to 10 keywords in each post title.

Now, You'll be asking How can I find These Advertisers and Keywords, Well Let me tell you, here is a web site name "keywordspy" search on Google if you are having trouble. Where you can find the advertisers avgas CPC...

I'll Suggest you to start with Insurance Keywords, and Then Meothelioma

Let me give you some example for Insurance Top Paying CPC Advertisers...
1. Progressive.com
2. Geico.com
3. Travelers.com
4. progressivecommercial.com
5. esurance.com
6. libertymutual.com
7. Nationwide.com

And Many More..

 Who pays you $7 - $10 AVG per click.. From The countries I've Listed Above..

Now Lets come to Mesothelioma, DWI, DUI and Abestos Cancer Advertisers who pays AVG $7 - $15 Per click..

1. dui.com
2. dwi.com
3. mesothelioma.com
4. Cancercentre.com

And Many More Find yourself in Related or competing sites at "keywordspy" once you put one of these url in the domain search there.

Step 3 > See Your Adsense Earning Boost

Well, after Doing All These Definitely you've to Get Traffic from The Four Countries I've listed on Top and Your Adsense Earnings Will Be rocking..

If Your earning were $100 per Month with adsense, It will boost up to $1000 Guaranteed...
and the rest you imagine and calculate yourself..

Screenshot of KeywordSpy for the Word " INSURANCE"

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