After struggled a week to find info how to cache youtube with squid proxy, ( the truth is, it is hard to cache youtube because of their multiple server redirection )
Use squid on linux!! I have successfully done it. You can save your limited bandwidth with squid proxy and cache
get it now..
Squid is a proxy http server that speeds up getting pages from the internet by keeping copies of commonly accessed pages or graphics instead of downloading them each time. To install it:-
On ubuntu, opensuse, mandriva, fedora, gentoo, arch etc, you can find in a repo by keyword squid. If you made any changes, you can reconfigure it using :
/usr/sbin/squid -k reconfigure (depending upon the installation location of squid)
Let's play fast youtube with ubuntu
1. From a root terminal type apt-get install squid
2. Open gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf
3. Find the TAG: visible_hostname and after the comments section add visible_hostname where is your machine’s hostname.
4. Check http_port is either set to 3128 or a port number that you can remember for configuring your browser.
5. Close and save
6. Type adduser squid and specify a password
7. Restart squid by typing: /etc/init.d/squid restart
8. Stop the service by typing /etc/init.d/squid stop
9. Test it in debug mode by typing squid -z (which creates the cache files)
10. Type squid -NCd10 to test squid in debug mode and leave it running.
11. Open Firefox and type the URL localhost:3128 or whatever port you chose. It will fail to retrieve a page, but at the bottom it will confirm that the error is generated by squid.
12. Back at the Terminal type CTRL-C to cancel the debug mode
13. Start squid for real with /etc/init.d/squid start. It will start automatically from now on.
14. To configure Firefox to use squid, go to Edit>Preferences and click Advanced.
15. Click Network>Settings and then Manual Proxy Configuration. For http proxy, enter localhost and for port 3128 (or whichever port you chose).
16. Then click OK and close the Preferences dialogue.
17. Now go to any webpage. If you get the page, it’s working
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