Friday, November 21, 2008

'High School Musical'-themed malware hits the Net (CNET)

Teens and young adults interested in downloading High School Musical-related music and video on peer-to-peer networks should be wary of malware, warns Panda Security.

While this may be obvious to older computer uses, younger users may not yet have experience with the social engineering used by malware writers, the security vendor said Friday in a press release.

If a person opens a High School Musical-themed video or song on any peer-to-peer network such as eMule or eDonkey, his or her computer may be infected with infected by VB.ADQ, the Agent.KGR Trojan, the adware Koolbar, or another strain of malicious code.

Panda recommends being cautious when downloading files. In particular, notice the file extension. Many of the malicious files have the extension ".exe," but that is rarely the case with a legitimate music or video file.

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