Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to Insert Cracked applications into iPhone

This is a tutorial for if you want to know that how to insert cracked application's into your iPhone!Well it is queit easy..... because i am having the easiest way to do it........Well the software you are going to need is Quick pwn! and also you must have your GPRS active in your mobile so that we could connect to the internet through iphone......Before we start you must know that this tutorial is for Windows users only... also download Quick pwn according to the version of iphone you are using like, 1G, 2G, 3G etc...

visit for Downloading the tool!!
So after Downloading the tool run it and follow the steps below,

1. Connect your iphone to your computer....

2. Close itunes....
3. Run Quickpwn....
4. Choose your model and click next....

5. It will link to the restore of your iPhone software.... If you are not having the restore or it is not correct then you can download it from ..
If your restore version will be correct, then it will verify!
6. You must Tick all the above except the logos, because it will replace the orignal logo of your iPhone and you cannot get it again....7. Read The instructions carefully and quickly apply those all with quickpwn as it instructs...

If you will complete the process correctly then it will show like above;

8.After Jail breaking, installing cydia and installer you will have to connect your iphone to the internet...
9. Open cydia into your iphone and select manage...
10. Go to sources and select edit and add the above..
11. Select search and type mipatch...
12. Select miPatch Firmware 2.2.1 and install it...
13. After install restart your iphone...
Now insert as many Cracked applications as you can, Download them from or some other Different sites
AFter Downloading your apps just open them with itunes and sync it into your iphone
Thank you..

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