Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Attention to the rapid weight loss

Summer heat and summer clothes revealing imposes very strongly to any of the diet. But be careful, rapid weight loss, based on the slimming mean for your body a great threat. Although you may feel hunger-strike and strict slimming diet as the fastest way to perfect body, try to resist. The ideal body weight and the molding of you, according to experts, will help only sensible diet and regular selected motion activities. Lose weight for health?

Do not be guaranteed to convince and effective diet, which over the next few days promise to comply several kilograms. When you stand on the weight, find that two or three kilos disappeared, but it's only loss of body fluids, or the decline of muscle mass. The body is fat or not affected, the eye as you watch the head. Practice must be

If slimming this way, you threaten that they raise cholesterol and even you will have problems with blood pressure. Unfortunately, the only restriction diets do not, it is necessary to balance the movement. Muscles are good ...

For each child that you hold, you should practice. Prevent, loss of muscle mass, which is extremely important to you. The more muscle you have, the more energy we consume. This is deceit many subsistence. The body was under the influence of a smaller supply of energy trying to rid all that absorbs energy, and these are the muscles glutton. Therefore, anyone who wants to lose weight healthy and effective, should be steel for the top round dose of patience and its slimming program should be set to slow the pace.

Author Sofia from Serbia

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