Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sibutramine or Meridia

Continue the cycle of articles on drugs for slimming. And now we will stop at such tablets as sibutramine, sold in pharmacies under the trade name Meridia. Unlike Stifimola, Meridia popular around the world. This preparation has caused a heap all kinds of disputes. On the one hand, for the moment it is one of the most effective means of slimming.
According to the research of all kinds, weight loss, with a long receiving medication reaches more than 5 percent of body weight (this is subject to the low-diet). And, following the lifting of sibutramine, the weight remained the same, that is, there was no rebound effect. At the same time, those members of experiments, which were kept the same diet, but do not take Meridia lost significantly less weight, which is also almost the entire back for a few months after the lifting of diet.

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