Friday, January 9, 2009

Losing the baby weight

From: FloridaStyle Magazine - Fall 2008
Pairing modest exercise with natural supplements may help shed the pounds with less stress.

A woman with a healthy pre-pregnancy weight should gain an average of 25-37 pounds during her pregnancy, according to the American Pregnancy Association. While that amount of weight gain is healthy and normal during pregnancy, living with it afterwards can leave new moms unhappy with the way they look. Unfortunately, all of the extra weight gained during pregnancy does not immediately come off after t
he baby is born. Most moms return home from the hospital carrying much more weight than they'd like.
For many women, losing this extra weight isn't easy. Despite dieting and exercising, they do not see the results they want, and the progress is slow. Moreover, new moms often find themselves too tired for intense exercise. Caring for a newborn baby doesn't leave women with much time to focus on themselves. A lack of sleep and eating on the run contribute to the difficulty of getting back into shape. Images presented by the media can make the challenge of weight loss even more frustrating. According to Kate Downing-Howitt, product manager for the natural weight loss supplement Proactol (, women have a tendency to compare themselves to celebrity moms.
Actresses seem to shed their pregnancy weight instantly, but according to Downing-Howitt, that's not a realistic standard to judge yourself by. "The problem is that many celebrities have had surgery to get back their thin bodies, and others have personal trainers pushing them to the limit. Both are options that are not always available to the average mom."
One way that women are achieving their weight loss goals more quickly is by adding weight loss supplements to their diet and exercise plan. Weight loss supplements made from natural and herbal ingredients are much different from dangerous weight loss drugs such as ephedrine. Supplements are not prescriptions, and they can be purchased over-the-counter.
"Natural supplements are an ideal route for someone who has tried following a good diet and still needs an extra boost to assist her efforts," says Downing-Howitt "It's given so many new moms the chance to concentrate on enjoying their baby instead of focusing on their excess weight."
The active ingredient in Proactol is derived from a species of cactus called opuntia ficus-indica. Though the ingredient sounds strange, it is actually becoming quite common for plant substances to be used as weight loss aids. Breastfeeding mothers should always consult with their physician before taking any new supplements, and Proactol should not be taken while breastfeeding. Weight loss supplements alone are not the solution, however. They should be combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. By following a healthy, comprehensive fitness plan, new mothers will find them­selves on the road to restoring their pre-pregnancy bodies.

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