Monday, March 11, 2013

How To Get Off Your Weight Loss Plateau

Many people get stuck on a plateau somewhere on their path to their goal weight. Having set up your diet plan and skipping unnecessary calories and carbs as well as exercising regularly have gotten you far but now nothing seems to work anymore. Do you recognize this scenario?
You probably have and the good news is that there are things you can do to reset your body to increase metabolism once again.
Stop what you're doing for a month.
This is the simplest way to chock your body into burning fat again. If you have been on a calorie restricted diet for too long your body will set itself in a "survival mode" which means it is storing all the energy you're giving it. This can become a problem for you and make you get stuck on your weight.
To get rid of this problem you should start eating more calories and carbs again.
Eat pasta and potatoes etc but don't overdo it. You shouldn't skip exercise but maybe cut down on it just a little bit if you have worked out a lot lately.
Cut exercise in half.
Eating more calories will do one thing.
The leptin hormone will tell your brain you have spare resources that your body can use. Your brain then sends out another message to increase metabolism.
This is the opposite of what happens when you're on a low-calorie diet. So low-calorie diets can be counter productive. Wouldn't you rather be full than going hungry and still burn your fat?
If you do this for 1 - 2 months your body get used to burning more energy and then it is time to look over your diet and exercise again. Cut down on carbs again and start exercising more regularly, especially strength training is important if you want to lose weight. Cardio isn't that important to focus on, quite contrary to what most people think.
During the resetting period you probably will add a few pounds, but it will come off again when you restrict your diet again.
Remember to make sure you do not do any dieting during the resetting period. This includes skipping intermittent fasting and other things you are currently doing to maintain your weight.
Doing the opposite of what you're doing can actually be the best way to reach your new goals. Give it a try and see for yourself how it works for you!
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