There are times when we people unite over a single string of thread. These time shows that humanity has not died amidst all the inhuman activities that go on over the planet. The event could be happy or something that makes us stare in wonder and amazement or it could be something, out of any general thinking about some of the events that we feel within our heart. In the year 2012 too, unfortunately there were some events that shook us from the core with the brutality or making us sad beyond imaginations. And it is prudent for us know a bit more about those incidents as we learn from mistakes in the past so that they never happen in the future. And the outburst that followed or the resulting results left us more grief-stricken than ever.

2012 saw many events that were unprecedented and made a large impact on the people all over the world. This was the year that saw the occurrence of many events that kept the people gasping for breath due to the quick succession of each event. On a positive note no one could forget the effect of London Olympics that was the largest congregation of athletes and sportsperson from every country on the planet. The extravaganza was simply out of the world experience. But we saw many tragedies happen in this year too. Let us give ourselves a reminder so that we can provide our deepest condolence to the people who lost something in these incidents.
Superstorm Sandy –This was one of the biggest coastal storms that hit parts of US, Caribbean and other countries in the close proximity to the Atlantic coasts. The damage incurred was huge in terms of finance and topography but more were the loss of human lives. More problems aroused as the region got completely cut out from the rest of the world and rescue activities as well as necessary supplies were hampered and progress slowed down for many days. Though the help that was extended globally was overwhelming, but still the horrors are quite visible after almost 3 months after its occurrence. The incident that was so large-scale in nature has definitely changed the lives of thousands who were affected directly and indirectly as well as people like us expecting the lives would be somewhat normal for the affected people in that region
As the world are getting smaller as a result of globalization and sharing of social and economic and other aspect are well sought after, the middle eastern countries are living amidst risk and danger and fear. The world grieves with the people who are virtually imprisoned in their own countries as the tension between the countries flares up. The uncertainty and the result of tyranny it had caused the people in these parts have been really heart touching and one can only hopes that the unrest ceases to exist as early as possible.
Controversies are brewing up more even to date over another sad incident that took place in Sanford, Florida when a person named Zimmerman shoot another fellow person Trayvon Martin that fatally injured him and finally killed him. When Zimmerman was released after the preliminary trials, there was a huge uproar as police was accused of showing racists nature in favor of the shooter and later they yielded with the arrest of the shooter who pleaded not guilty and said he did shoot but for self-defense. Zimmerman is out on bail currently and awaits trial but the incident of such brutality brings tears in the eyes of many.
World has known many cold-blooded killers but another incident that took place in a school in New Town Connecticut send chills down the spines of people worldwide. The mass shooting at the Sandy Hook school was a limit to barbarism and people have not really recovered from the shock yet. Among all other mass killings this one was as tragic as what happened earlier.
These are not the events that one could remember for a lifetime but the pain they had caused is so much that it is etched in the memory of all forever. One cannot change what had happened but fighting the ill-effects of human beings as well as the natural disaster is something that makes life worthy for living. And that is why someone sitting on the opposite side of a place where the incidents happened feels the pain as much where it actually takes place.
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